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Summer BBQ social


Get sharp for the new season with coach Jonny White


Updated: Mar 1, 2021

As tennis players and fans I’m sure we were all delighted to hear the news (that we have

patiently hoped and waited for) that tennis will once again be permitted from March 29 th .

Many of the more competitive amongst us may now also being thinking about what you can

do to make sure your game is as razor-sharp as it possibly can be the first time you step

back on court!

Therefore, I thought it may be helpful to share a few coaching video-clips which show basic

tennis exercises and drills you can do in your garden or at a local park.

All the clips below cover helpful tips and in each link’s description I include the timings you

need to watch them from so you can skip the less relevant parts.

Ball toss technique for the serve (watch from 1:15-3:57)

I totally agree with this coach’s tips on how to hold the tennis ball for the serve toss (between

the finger tips rather than the palm of the hand) and how a reliable ball toss can massively

improve the consistency of your serve and subsequently your first serve percentage.

Forehand shadow swing and movement drill (watch from 1:21-4:34)

The next two links are both from the same Youtube clip and show an easy to follow

movement and shadow swing drill for the forehand and backhand.

Backhand shadow swing and movement drill (watch from 5:01-6:30)

The final link below is helpful to watch alongside the shadow swing movement drills as the

coach explains and demonstrates very nicely the importance of transferring the weight from

the outer leg, when you been forced wide and need to recover to the middle of the court after you have played your shot.

Use of outside leg to change direction explanation (watch from 0:11-2:10)

I hope you find these tips useful and I will look forward to seeing you back on court soon!



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Brighton, UK BN1 6JU

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